Masked Madness?

Just an exploration of a basic chord progression over a wide range of string instruments. Okay, except the drums…

Non-musical commentary on the masked and cuffed Lady Liberty…

Imagine yourself in the room with several other people who are all smoking. Chain-smoking incessantly. You are wearing a face mask to protect your breathing. Does the mask prevent you from smelling the smoke?
Now imagine yourself as a smoker. An incessant chain smoker in fact. But you wear your mask religiously. Between every inhale of that magic smoke, you put your mask back on and you blow the smoke through the mask. How much of the smoke comes out the sides or out the top. For those of you who wear glasses or have worn sunglasses while you wear your mask, you know how your glasses easily fog up every time you exhale. Does the mask really catch much of the smoke? How much of the smoke is caught through the mask?

Particles of cigarette smoke can be measured at 100 to 250 nanometers. Particles of coronavirus are measured at 50 to 200 nanometers. They are similar in size. If wearing a face mask does not protect me from your smoke or you from my smoke, how much does mask-wearing prevent or protect from coronavirus particles? Not much at all. For those who object by claiming this is not a scientific study, I say, “You’re right!” It’s just common sense…

Not only does wearing a cloth or paper mask do very little to provide protection for the wearer or those around them, but it acts as a retainer and an amplifier of much of what the respiratory system is trying to expel. Much of the exhaled moisture and bacteria are retained and repeatedly re-inhaled. Is this healthy? Try taking a hose from the exhaust pipe of your car, and feed 90 percent of that back into the intake of your engine. How well does your car run that way? ( Yes, that’s how most anti-smog systems have worked for the past 50 years, but with a lower portion of recirculated exhaust. )

Why is mask-wearing the virtue signal of the neo left? Why are younger and typically more liberal adults more likely to proudly and voluntarily wear a face mask in public, yet more conservative and typically older people are resistant to wear masks at all, let alone in public? Why does the older more conservative generation intuitively resist the tyranny of mandated masks? Have younger adults been socially conditioned and indoctrinated not have the same intuition? Are individual liberty and personal responsibility the antithesis of public welfare and societal security?
Do the public mask fanatics simply get their information from different sources than the “antimaskers”? Or do they have a fundamentally different core value and philosophy of life?
The answer is yes to both.
American history is born from a society where individual liberty, personal risk and personal responsibility hold fundamental priority over monarchal authority and mandated compliance. In 1776 that priority made sense, especially to those living months away from the monarch in a very different environment. But in today’s 2021 society we are drastically more densely populated, and the day-to-day activities of the average person are radically more complex and interactive than those of colonial America. Does such a more complex and congested society necessitate that the needs and desires of the many supersede those of the few? Are freedom and liberty truly natural civil rights, or merely Jeffersonian ideals? In other words, as our society becomes more crowded and complex, must socialism naturally overtake individualism? Do the rights of society grow stronger or more vital than those of the individual as populations grow? Are the rights of the individual subverted or superseded by the rights of the society as the community grows larger?
Does my right to swing my fist really end that the tip of your nose? Or does it end at where you feel threatened that I might be able to reach your nose?

From Anacreon to Baltimore

Making music is about creating a feeling, and often telling a story. How can a story be told with no lyrics and no singing? Of course, this is the story of the British bombardment of Fort McHenry in Baltimore in 1814, as witnessed by Francis Scott Key. His lyrics were set to the melody of the anthem of the Anacreontic Society in Brittain. Hopefully, this tune helps illustrate America’s heritage of tenacity and determination to stand on fundamental principles no matter the cost.

“Those who can not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” Destroying the tributes to historic achievements and their achievers does not right the wrongs of the past. It only assures future generations’ condemnation to relearn those lessons. What are the values at the core of our nation that must never ever be compromised? Leave me a comment to let me know, and share what you think.