Stay Safe

Take the pill so you can be safe. Get the jab. Get it again!

Synth and effect tinkering with a digi-drum backdrop. No loops or samples, just experiments on different keyboards and with echo and reverb.

I can’t resist. More socio-politico banter…

Are you Anti-vax!? or Anti-fax?! If everyone would just get the jab, we would all be safe from the inevitable pharmagedon, right?

We just want to keep you safe! (from yourself)


Syncopated funk rock experiment.

Yappy Hew Near!!!

Based on an off-beat drum kit exercise I’ve used for years. ‘Started with the drum part on the iPad, and added what I think a bassist and other players might add. What d’ya think? What does it need? What else could it have. Leave a comment and let me know…

Mail to the Chief

Thank You President Donald Trump!

Hail to the Chief is the de facto theme song of the American Presidency. This is my miniature parody of the end of this Presidency. To thank President Trump yourself, send a quick postcard. ( Really, remember postcards? )
This can take less than 60 seconds and cost 35 cents. Copy this address.

President Donald Trump
The Trump Organization
Trump Towers
725 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10022

Mail to the Chief!

Sending this postcard was not my original idea. It was the suggestion of Dr. Sebastian Gorka on his daily America First radio show and podcast. Thank you to Dr. Gorka for the address and suggestion. Sebastian Gorka

This tune depicts an American colonial Fife and Drum corps performing a tribute to their beloved President. To learn more about the origins and founding principals of our country, read the final report from President Trump’s 1776 Commission.